Chronic pain results from injuries and the dys-regulation of the muscles/nerves/vertebrae/ligaments/tendons and fascia. It can come and go or it can be constant and it lasts for months or years. The main thing to understand though is that the dys-regulated nerves are the main area to target. Once the nerves are regulated and functioning normal again the whole problem area also regains normal function and pain goes away. For more information on chronic pain caused by dys-regulated nerves please see our nerve pain solutions website.
Nerve pain is one of the worst types of pain. It can give pain sensations like shooting, stabbing, sharp, piercing, burning, electrifying and throbbing. The pain can be very intense and almost unbearable.
We specialize in the treatment for upper and lower limb problems, pain control, weakness, numbness, burning feeling, tingling, loss of function, pins & needles, post surgical traumas, muscle strengthening and regaining nerve function.
The 'Switch Method' we use is very specific for nerve pain and it works very fast compared to other therapies. In fact, therapy options to treat nerve pain are very limited and usually not very effective. This method re-sets nerve pain patterns which results in reduced or eliminated pain and other symptoms. No matter how long you have had nerve pain or how severe it is or what the cause is, we can help you.
Please see our nerve pain solutions website all about nerve pain and other nerve problems for more information
The symptoms and conditions that we treat include but are not limited to-