Initial consultation
The initial consultation takes around 1 Hour which gives a thorough insight into your overall health. We will go over your health goals and concerns and design a treatment plan to address these.
Iridology and Chinese pulse are used to analyse the function of the internal organs, genetic strengths and weaknesses and dysfunctional areas.
I look into your diet to uncover nutritional imbalances and to see where improvements can be made.
Medical tests- depending on your condition it may be recommended that you get further medical diagnostic tests. The follow-up consultation is generally done 2 to 4 weeks after the initial consultation. In this consultation I re-assess your initial treatment plan to make any necessary changes. A look into your lifestyle and exercise habits will also add to the whole picture.
Follow-up consultations
Further follow-up consultations can be is done as required on a time frame based on your needs. Your health status and treatment plan are re-assessed. At this stage we may work on deeper levels of healing if necessary or set new health goals.
You need to continue working on a chronic problem that requires a longer healing time or you may like to come for something specific such as a detox program or a weight loss program.
The treatment plan for all levels may include a combination of dietary modifications, exercise recommendations, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, lifestyle recommendations, bodywork therapies, acupuncture and simple tools to improve your health.Type your paragraph here.
The eye reflects the condition of the internal organs and the strengths and weaknesses of the body in general.
Our bodies are designed to heal themselves if we provide the right conditions. Natural medicine works by providing these ‘right conditions’. Signs and symptoms indicate there is some dysfunction in the body. Natural medicine does not simply treat or cover up these symptoms, it treats the underlying cause.